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The Cross-Platform Report: A Look Across Screens

1 minute read | June 2013

Updated October 15, 2013

In looking at recent viewing trends across screens, one thing remains constant: the amount of traditional TV and digital content we consume is increasing. It just goes to show that no matter how busy our lives might get, we always seem to find the time to watch the content that appeals to us.

With such an array of viewing options, consumers now have the freedom to move from place to place and bring content and information with them. They can walk out the door in the morning and stay connected with their smartphones, use a tablet while riding a commuter train, find the comfort of a big set at the end of a day, or hide in a quiet spot to watch TV and TV-like content on our tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

A Look Across Screens

In the spectrum of evolving media, nothing is growing faster than the adoption of portable devices and the consumption of content on these devices. Smartphones and tablets have revolutionized our ability to be connected to each other and to our favorite shows at all times.

At the same time, traditional TV remains vibrant and continues to thrive as viewers continue to engage with their sets by seeking out the entertainment and information that appeals to them. In fact, traditional TV viewing has grown year-over-year among the total U.S. population. African American households led this growth. These households are also increasing their consumption of mobile and digital video.

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