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Cannes LIONS Live 2021: Streaming Demystified

2 minute read | June 2021

If you’re sitting in front of the TV screen these days, there’s a good chance that when you pick up your remote, or use a voice command, you’re choosing what you want to watch on a streaming service. According to The Gauge, Nielsen’s new monthly total TV and streaming snapshot, streaming usage across all television homes in the U.S. has climbed to 26% of all time spent on TV. That’s actually one percentage point more than the share of time Americans spend watching broadcast television. 

But who spends the most time streaming? What are people streaming? And how are they accessing what they’re streaming? As part of Nielsen’s Cannes LIONS Live 2021 virtual experience, Brian Fuhrer, SVP, Product Strategy, Nielsen, unpacks how this medium has evolved using new and expanded technology from Nielsen’s Streaming Video Ratings and data from Nielsen’s National TV Panel

In the session, Brian explores several areas of streaming including:

  • What makes up the streaming landscape and its key categories, from streaming video on demand (SVOD) to advertising video on demand (AVOD) and more?
  • Who is watching streaming platforms by age, gender, race and ethnicity?
  • What are the key success factors of streaming, including audience drivers and metrics? 

Watch our on-demand recording of this session for more insights into the world of streaming. 

Be sure to check out on-demand recordings of the other sessions from Nielsen’s Cannes LIONS Live 2021 virtual experience:

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