
Nielsen Joins Alliance 4 YOUth’s Pacific Pact


The Alliance 4 Youth, a business-driven initiative to promote youth employment, continues to expand its global presence, as it recently expanded to Latin America. With the organization’s Pacific Pact, established May 31, 2017, Alliance 4 YOUth set down roots to help the youth of the Latin American countries with a Pacific coastline: Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia.

As a steadfast partner with the organization, Nielsen was on hand at the Pacific Pact launch event, along with 36 national and local partner companies. At the event, the companies pledged to help more than 17,000 young people enter the workforce in the pact’s region by 2019.

The event included a welcome speech from Laurent Freixe, Nestlé’s Executive Vice President for the Americas, as well as speeches from Heraldo Muñoz, the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Salazar, the Regional Director of the International Labor Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean, and Josef Widmer, the Swiss Deputy to the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation. The speeches were followed by several panel discussions about education systems, employment and the unique challenges of each of the countries involved with the Pacific Pact.

With the launch of the Pacific Pact, the Alliance 4 YOUth is now operating in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America. And as a strong believer in the organization’s mission, we’re a key partner in every region where the alliance has a foothold.

ネスレが2014年に開始した「Alliance 4 YOUth」は、若者の雇用を促進するための企業主導のイニシアティブであり、教育だけでなく、仕事や研修の機会を通じて若者が経験を積み、雇用可能性を獲得できるよう支援している。同団体のパートナー企業はまた、従業員を動員して地域社会と関わり、実践的なアドバイスや履歴書クリニック、面接対策などを提供することで、若者の就労準備を支援している。