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Nielsen TV: Assessing Modern Media Spending

1 minute read | July 2018

Across nearly all business verticals, marketers reported large shifts in how they evaluate, measure and budget across media channels. Our recently released Nielsen CMO Report 2018 sheds light on the strategic and organizational challenges CMOs face as they adapt to unprecedented change in the marketing landscape. Respondents made it clear that digital media has had a transformative effect on their organizations, their marketing and measurement strategies and those of their agencies:

  • 79% of CMOs expect to invest more in marketing analytics and attribution over the next year
  • 74% of CMOs have little to no confidence they have the right technology in place to achieve their marketing goals
  • 82% of CMOs ranked reach and frequency measurement as their most important capability

In this video, Eric Solomon, SVP, Marketing & Strategy, discusses findings from Nielsen’s CMO Report 2018 about how advertisers are spending across digital and traditional channels, and offers insight into why current spending trends are playing out the way they are. He also offers thoughts on the state of marketer confidence in measuring the return on media spend, and how brand advertisers can better align their media strategies with their primary campaign objectives.

For additional insight about how marketing professionals are navigating today’s business environment, download the Nielsen CMO Report 2018.


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