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The Database: A Conversation with Women in Technology

1 minute read | February 2020

Episode 34

Around the world, women are making headlines and hashtags, taking leadership roles at home, in their communities and on the job. They’re also immensely involved in the majority of household purchase decisions. Some estimates project they will control 75% of household discretionary dollars worldwide by 2028. But at the same time, globally women also continue to shoulder more of the household burdens, while battling chronic discrimination and experiencing less financial security than ever. For the past few months, we’ve explored the challenges women face, as well as how companies can help them, as part of our Wise Up to Women campaign. 

In this special episode of the Database podcast, recorded during CES 2020, we sat down with Marie Lalleman, Executive Vice President, Global Client Solutions at Nielsen, and Tina Daniels, Agency Sales Director, Google. We asked both women to share how they’ve navigated gender inequality in their own careers and how they’re helping to pave the way for other women, particularly in the technology space.

Looking for more episodes? Subscribe to The Database on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher, and catch up on previous episodes on our Megaphone page.

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