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Optimizing Integrated Multi-Screen Campaigns
Integrated multi-screen campaigns are important today in effectively delivering a marketing message. However, client-side marketers, agencies and media sellers expect that importance to grow dramatically more important three years from now.
- Today, 48 percent of respondents rate integrated multi-screen campaigns as very important.
- Eighty-eight percent of respondents expect such campaigns to be very important in three years.
And given the increasing importance, market participants say they’ll need to spend more on multi-screen campaigns than they do today.
- Today, 20 percent of media spend can be attributed to integrated multi-screen campaigns.
- That is expected to grow to 50 percent by 2016.
But in order to get comfortable with spending more across screens, marketers and agencies are going to look for a few key things before diving in head first:
- Verification that advertising achieved the desired result (noted by 71% of respondents).
- Consistent metrics across screens (61%).
- Verification that advertising was delivered to the right audience (59%).