02_Elements/Icons/ArrowLeft 戻るインサイト


4 minute read | Jon Kaiser, SVP, Advertisers and Industries | November 2022



しかし、より重要なのは、さまざまなメディア の境界線があいまいになり、比較可能な測定の必要性が高 まっていることでしょう。たとえば、YouTube は、これまで主にソーシャル・メディアの領域に 存在し、個人のコンテンツ・クリエーターに動画コンテンツを アップロードして共有するためのプラットフォームを提供して きました。しかし、既存のフットプリントとYouTube TVの継続的な採用により、YouTubeは動画共有プラットフォームと仮想多チャンネル動画番組配信事業者(vMVPD)の両方として着実に成長しています。2022年9月、YouTube(YouTube TVを含む)はテレビ利用全体の8%を占めています。

To keep pace with audiences, advertisers are pivoting. Market research company Insider Intelligence forecasts that U.S. connected TV (CTV) spending will total $18.9 billion this year, with one-third being spent during the annual TV upfronts. And in contrast to the early days of streaming, ad-supported options—from pure-play streamers, traditional media companies and platforms like YouTube—are blossoming. In September 2022, for example, linear streaming from MVPD apps and vMVPDs accounted for 14.5% of all streaming1

リニア・ストリーミングの成長は、選択肢がいかに多様化したかを物語っており、それに伴い、ニュアンスの異なる略語(例:FAST、AVOD、vMVPD、OTT)が多数使用されています。しかし,ストリーミングが視聴者や視聴者の 共感を得るコンテンツに与えている総合的な影響に 比べれば,アルファベットの羅列ははるかに重要ではありません。

That’s where the appeal is for advertisers—reaching audiences that aren’t just watching traditional, linear television. While there is no denying the mass reach of traditional television, it’s clear that CTV is now a viable, scalable complement to it. Today, audiences use a range of devices interchangeably to tap into an ever-growing range of platforms, services and experiences.

In first-quarter 2022, for example, U.S. adults spent nearly as much time on TV-connected devices as on their mobile devices, both now far eclipsing the time they spend on their computers2.



The influx of ad-supported services and ad-available options within multi-tier platforms highlights the clear need for comparable, deduplicated campaign measurement across the digital landscape. Our YouTube example from above presents a relevant and real-time use case, especially as it has grown its share of total TV usage nearly 40% on a year-over-year basis and claimed the largest percentage of TV usage among streaming providers in September1.


Transformative change requires precision, attention to market needs and a focus on the future. And in today’s media landscape, measurement that is comparable and deduplicated across platforms and devices is paramount. It’s also reflective of a future state, where the focus is on the audience.


  1. The Gauge、2022年9月使用データ
  2. Nielsen Total Media Fusion
