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Moving Podcast Measurement from Download to Consumption

1 minute read | November 2016


There’s no doubt that the audio landscape is expanding. While AM/FM radio continues to reach more than 90% of American adults each week, consumers are seeking new audio formats that they can listen to where and when they want to. With on-demand audio and podcasting no longer being a niche medium, Nielsen is committed to expanding its capabilities so that it can measure engagement with that content as well.

While many may still believe that podcasts are primarily created by individuals in their garages and basements for limited audiences, podcasts actually represent a fast-growing opportunity for digital platforms, publishers and content creators looking to create new and engaging content for specific audience segments. Additionally, major broadcast companies are using the medium to produce curated podcasts that extend the life of their over-the-air content and brand.

In this video, Rob Kass, vice president of Nielsen Digital Audio, shares his thoughts on how the audio landscape is changing and the importance of developing independent, third-party measurement that is based on consumption rather than just downloads.  
