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Brad Kelly Named to Radio Ink’s 40 Most Powerful People in Radio

2 minute read | August 2018

Radio Ink Magazine, a leading radio industry trade publication, recently released its annual list of the 40 most powerful people in radio. Nielsen is once again proudly represented on the prestigious list by its managing director for Nielsen Audio, Brad Kelly. This marks Brad’s third year on the list of the industry’s powerbrokers.

In its July 23 profile, Radio Ink notes that consistency in leadership at Nielsen is “good news for radio.” Since assuming the role as head of the audio business unit, Brad has not been shy about taking full advantage of his access to all corners of Nielsen and the broader advertising ecosystem. He’s made a mission of shining a spotlight on audio’s role in the advertising landscape, specifically, AM/FM radio’s remarkable resilience despite the pressures of continued media and audience fragmentation.

“I can tell you from first-hand experience that there are big billion-dollar advertisers (and even their agencies) who are completely blown away by the fact that more Americans use radio than any other media,” Brad says. “Every time we present the comparable media metrics story, eyes widen, jaws drop and they say, ‘Seriously… radio? Like, AM/FM radio radio??’”

He continues, “Radio is proving that it can be competitive with any other media in producing strong ROI, accountability and attribution.” And that’s becoming increasingly evident as the tools to evaluate the efficacy of radio evolve. For the first time, Nielsen has incorporated its radio audience data into Local Nielsen Media Impact (NMI), a much-anticipated agency planning tool that shows the effect that shifting budget allocations between competing media can have on reach delivery. Brad notes that with new tools like NMI, radio is demonstrating that it can offer incremental additional audience reach that can’t be achieved elsewhere.

As broadcasters, advertisers and marketers are all looking for better solutions to drive value for their business, Brad says, “the industry can expect to see a continued commitment from Nielsen Audio to help move their businesses forward. We’re all in this together.”

The recipients of Radio Ink’s 2018 Most Powerful People in Radio award will be honored at a reception at the Harvard Club in New York City on Nov. 14.
