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Case Study: Maximising Brand Awareness Through Optimisation

1 minute read | April 2020

Nielsen’s latest 2019 Annual Marketing Report highlighted that while it may be easier to prove to marketers the value of allocation budget to traditional media such as television, important digital marketing decisions are often based on unverified assumptions and beliefs. As online advertising expenditure continues its dynamic growth, it is critical that advertisers build trusted and transparent relationships with publishers and platforms to ensure they have clear insights into the effectiveness of their online campaigns and investment.

Poland’s Brainly is the publisher of an online educational platform that brings together over 150 million students, parents and teachers every month to share knowledge and solve learning problems. To support their advertiser clients not only with creative solutions, Brainly was interested in how to maximise and justify their clients’ advertising investment on their platform.

Brainly chose Nielsen Digital Brand Effect to measure and prove the effectiveness of a CPG client’s campaign against their marketing goal: to increase awareness of a promotional snack pack. By monitoring the impact of video advertising to increase awareness, Brainly was able to make key optimisation recommendations and help their client save money.

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