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Almost 12 Million Australians Watched Online videos in September

3 minute read | October 2012

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Over 1.48 billion video streams with an average of 127 videos each. Big gender gap as males dominate online video consumption. 

Sydney, Wednesday, October 31st 2012: A Nielsen online video report released today highlights the growing usage of video streaming for Australians of all ages, with 76 percent of the Australian active online population viewing an online streaming video in September.  

Commenting on these emerging online trends, Matt Bruce, Managing Director of the Media Group at Nielsen said “With marketers looking to quantify the efficiency of their online advertising investments, our new online video measurement tool, Nielsen VideoCensus, offers powerful insights into the reach of this engaged market, who on average viewed five hours and 23 minutes video streaming in September”

VideoCensus will be released during November as part of IAB’s endorsed Nielsen Online Ratings solution; and addresses the needs of marketers to gain more accurate insights into the demographics and viewing habits of almost 12 million Australians who watch videos online.

Paul Fisher, CEO of IAB Australia commented “Online video consumption in Australia is booming and the release of this data is very timely as media planners and their clients look to maximize their video investment across broadcast and online in the lead in to the busiest retail period of the year. If the old advertising adage ‘the dollars follow the eyeballs’ is true, then this data will accelerate the investment in online video advertising.

“The IAB will continue to work with Nielsen to endorse VideoCensus. Our goal is to provide the Australian media industry with the most accurate suite of online video consumption data and standardised metrics, which will take us a significant step closer to true cross media audience measurement,” said Fisher.

The September findings indicate Australians viewed 1.5 billion video streams across the month, averaging 127 videos each. The average time spent streaming video was 5 hours and 23 minutes across the month, with each streaming video being viewed for 152 seconds on average. 

The Entertainment category dominated the bulk of the streams throughout the month, with nearly 11 million Australians viewing over 1.3 billion streams.

Nielsen’s age cluster analysis shows that the online video viewing audience make up is closely in line with the active online universe.  This means the largest numbers of individual video viewers were aged 50 years plus, with over 3.6 million streaming video.

Not surprisingly, the 18‐24 demographic spent the most time viewing content despite making up only a small portion of the online streaming universe, with an average of over 11 hours during September. They were also responsible for nearly 25% of all streams in Australia despite only being 12% of the population, showing the strength of engagement in the younger generations. 

There is also a large gender gap in online video consumption; with males viewing nearly 63% of all video streams.

Nielsen VideoCensus Methodology

VideoCensus uses the hybrid methodology consistent with the current IAB endorsed Nielsen Online Ratings. It should be noted that VideoCensus will only report total number of mobile video streams where the publisher has tagged their mobile video player.

About Nielsen

Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related properties. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA and Diemen, the Netherlands. For more information, visit


Warren Gillmer, (02) 8873 7615,
