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Nielsen Career Workshops Help Prepare the Workforce of Tomorrow

2 minute read | December 2017

Last month, Alliance 4 YOUth, which Nielsen is a global partner in, hosted a series of events for young professionals at partner offices in recognition of European Employers’ Day. The events aimed to provide advice and support to young people in Europe looking to boost their skills to enter the workforce. To help with the cause, Nielsen hosted events at its offices in Belgium, Serbia and Switzerland.

On Nov. 22, the Nielsen Belgium office hosted its Employer Day event for an exclusive group of students who worked on their employability skills. During the event, they learned how to write an impactful resume, how to craft an elevator speech and how to prepare for an interview. The students also engaged with the HR team to hear tips about what employers are looking for.

Also on Nov. 22, the Nielsen office in Belgrade, Serbia, hosted a joint event with Nestlé, where managers from both companies talked with young people about market research and explained how clients like Nestlé benefit from Nielsen insights and how our data affects their business. The event also included advice on writing resumes and preparing for job interviews.

In Greece, the Nielsen team got a jump-start on Employer’s Day by participating in a joint workshop on Oct. 25, with Nestlé at a local university for International MBA students who are about to enter the workforce. During the event, both companies in collaboration presented a session entitled “Transforming Data into Actions” and held discussions about how Nielsen supports its clients.

On Nov. 15, the Nielsen team in Switzerland joined a number of Alliance 4 YOUth members at Nestlé’s headquarters in Vevey for an Employer’s Day that included resume tips and tricks, guidance for job candidates about how to present themselves in an interview and how to write a resume. The event was geared toward helping migrants and refugees, most of whom are in their early and mid-twenties who had fled their homes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and made their way into Europe on foot, bus or boat and are now making a new life for themselves in Switzerland.

The Alliance 4 YOUth is a business-driven initiative to promote youth employment in Europe. Initiated in 2014 by Nestlé, with Nielsen as one of the 14 international partner companies, the Alliance aims at tackling youth unemployment by helping young people gain experience and employability by creating jobs and training opportunities but also by educating people around the work market.
