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Nielsen (India) Private Limited Mengajukan Petisi untuk Pemisahan Bisnis Media Menjadi Neurofocus Systems & Services Private Limited

4 menit dibaca | Agustus 2020

Mumbai, 17 Agustus 2020-Skema pengaturan antara Nielsen (India) Private Limited ('Perusahaan Yang Melebur') dan Neurofocus Systems & Services Private Limited ('Perusahaan Yang Menerima Penggabungan') dan masing-masing pemegang sahamnya berdasarkan pasal 230-232 Undang-Undang Perusahaan 2013 telah diajukan ke NCLT Mumbai ('NCLT') untuk mendapatkan persetujuan atas rencana penggabungan Usaha Yang Menerima Penggabungan dari Perusahaan Yang Menerima Penggabungan ke Perusahaan Yang Menerima Penggabungan. Permohonan tersebut telah ditetapkan untuk sidang terakhir di hadapan NCLT pada tanggal 2 September 2020.

Oleh karena itu, sesuai dengan arahan dari NCLT melalui surat perintah tertanggal 28 Juli 2020, kami telah melampirkan dokumen-dokumen berikut ini untuk referensi Anda:

1) Salinan Skema Demerger

2) Salinan pemberitahuan yang disampaikan kepada Panitera Perusahaan.

3) Salinan pemberitahuan yang disampaikan kepada Deputi Komisioner Pajak Penghasilan.

4) Salinan pemberitahuan yang disampaikan kepada Direktur Regional.

Pernyataan Berwawasan ke Depan

This news release includes information that could constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include those regarding our plan to spin-off Nielsen Global Connect as well as those that may be identified by words such as “will,” “intend,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “could” and similar expressions. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results and events could differ materially from what presently is expected. Factors leading thereto may include, without limitation, the risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and financial markets, the uncertainties relating to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nielsen’s business, the expected benefits and costs of the spin-off transaction, the expected timing of completion of the spin-off transaction, the ability of Nielsen to complete the spin-off transaction considering the various conditions to the completion of the spin-off transaction (some of which are outside Nielsen’s control, including those conditions related to regulatory approvals), business disruption during the pendency of or following the spin-off transaction, diversion of management time on the spin-off transaction-related issues, failure to receive the required shareholder approval of the spin-off transaction, retention of existing management team members, the reaction of customers and other parties to the spin-off transaction, the qualification of the spin-off transaction as a tax-free transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes (including whether or not an IRS ruling will be obtained), potential dissynergy costs between Nielsen Global Connect and Nielsen Global Media, the impact of the spin-off transaction on relationships with customers, suppliers, employees and other business counterparties, general economic conditions, conditions in the markets Nielsen is engaged in, behavior of customers, suppliers and competitors, technological developments, as well as legal and regulatory rules affecting Nielsen’s business and other specific risk factors that are outlined in our disclosure filings and materials, which you can find on https://develop.nielsen.com/investors, such as our 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K reports that have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the registration statement on Form 10 filed by Nielsen SpinCo B.V. with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with the spin-off transaction. Please consult these documents for a more complete understanding of these risks and uncertainties. This list of factors is not intended to be exhaustive. Such forward-looking statements only speak as of the date of this press release, and we assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement made by us or on our behalf as a result of new information, future events or other factors, except as required by law.

Tentang Nielsen

Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN) adalah perusahaan pengukuran dan analisis data global yang menyediakan pandangan paling lengkap dan tepercaya tentang konsumen dan pasar di seluruh dunia. Nielsen dibagi menjadi dua unit bisnis. Nielsen Global Media menyediakan metrik yang tidak bias dan dapat diandalkan bagi industri media dan periklanan untuk menciptakan pemahaman bersama mengenai industri yang dibutuhkan agar pasar dapat berfungsi. Nielsen Global Connect menyediakan informasi dan wawasan yang akurat dan dapat ditindaklanjuti kepada produsen dan peritel barang konsumsi serta gambaran lengkap mengenai pasar yang kompleks dan terus berubah yang dibutuhkan perusahaan untuk berinovasi dan berkembang. Pendekatan kami memadukan data milik Nielsen dengan sumber data lain untuk membantu klien di seluruh dunia memahami apa yang terjadi sekarang, apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya, dan bagaimana cara terbaik untuk menindaklanjuti pengetahuan ini.

Sebagai perusahaan S&P 500, Nielsen beroperasi di lebih dari 90 negara, mencakup lebih dari 90% populasi dunia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi www.nielsen.com.