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A Refreshing Collaboration with SheKnows Boosts Brand Lift for Starbucks Refreshers

2 minute read | September 2013

A product launch is a critical time to drive awareness and brand favorability—even more so when focusing the launch on a specific market. Starbucks, the world-leading specialty coffee brand, teamed up with SheKnows.com, a women’s media platform and one of the largest online lifestyle networks, for the launch of its all-natural energy drink, Starbucks Refreshers. Starbucks turned to SheKnows.com to connect with an ideal audience for its launch: the influential mom.


For its part, SheKnows created a hub for Starbucks that included custom content, sponsorships, display ads and high-impact re-skins. But that didn’t cover all the bases. Both sides of the campaign needed a way to measure the campaign’s impact on awareness, and determine what was working and what wasn’t in real time.

Using Nielsen Online Brand Effect’s collaborative platform, Starbucks and SheKnows were able to log into the same system and work together on campaign brand performance in real-time, yielding an 11.3 percent lift in awareness among consumers exposed to the campaign. SheKnows.­­­com was identified as among the top one-third of publishers in the Starbucks media plan, which led to an incremental budget increase of 12 percent.

Proactive collaboration helped Starbucks and SheKnows demonstrate the importance of identifying ways to improve a campaign’s performance in-flight and maximize return on investment.

For additional information about the case study, click here.


Nielsen Online Brand Effect—part of Nielsen’s 3Rs framework: Reach, Resonance, and Reaction—provides the first real-time, enterprise technology platform that allows digital advertisers and their partners—publishers, ad networks, exchanges and demand side platforms—to collaborate directly around measuring and optimizing brand lift metrics. Once a campaign is in market, consumer sentiment is captured through a survey that asks each consumer sampled a question to measure how the campaign performed against its primary objective. Nielsen Online Brand Effect provides a simple, intuitive interface for managing all aspects of brand campaign measurement and optimization initiatives in real-time.

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